The important stuff! PICTURES of the babies.
We have two new children. Michelle Anne & Nicholas Kris were born August 6th at 21:10 and 21:08. We think they are the cutest things ever :-) Have a look at the birthday pictures !
Some more pictures from week two through four !
Some more pictures from the following week are !
And yet again some more pictures when Matt, Mily and Jean visit are !
Bath time, play time and other stuff !
Mom and Grandmom visit over the weekend of August 18, 2008 pictures are !
And more pictures since people keep bugging
Don't you all know what happens with twins? Look
Thanksgiving weekend (pre) 2008. Look !
December 2008 week before Christmas. Look!
Some pictures from Christmas 2008. Look !
Right before the new year. Look!
Ready for the big game! Go HOKIES!
January 2009 pictures. Look at the snow in North Carolina!
First set of pictures from February. Check out Nicholas in the toy box at the end!
Get home.